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Policies & Code of Conduct



  • All parents and swimmers must agree and adhere to DNA Aquatics Policies & Code of Conduct.

  • We operate State School terms  -  usually 10 weeks starting and State School Holidays 

  • This is a State School pool and Gym Pool, a shared facilities and every effort is given to ensure that change over from school student to DNA student is done with minimal disruption to both parties.  Please let Kiosk staff know if you have any concerns. 

  • Please arrive with enough time to ensure your child/ren are able to join class ready and stress free.  Be sure to report to kiosk/recepton so child/ren can be marked off and accounted for safety purposes.

  • There are a maximum numbers of students to each class.  Should classes be full then a waiting list will be started.  As soon as new places become available, in the appropriate ability level you will be offered that place.  First come first served basis.

  • Please inform DNA Aquatics as soon as possible if you no longer wish to be kept on the list.

  • It is a condition of entry that all children under the age of 13 years MUST be actively supervised by a responsible adult (18 years or over) at all times.  This includes DNA students before and after lessons and for siblings/friends you bring into DNA.   Although we are Pool Life Guard, Austswim & First Aid qualified we do not have a Life Guard actively on duty.

    Only students enrolled in the SHARKS program can be dropped off (Kepnock Pool ONLY).  A responsible adult must accompany all other students.  Goggles must be worn for Jnr Sharks & Sharks students and encouraged for all other lessons.

  • If your child is unable to attend lesson AT KEPNOCK POOLwe kindly ask that you TEXT O466 034 503 (NAME AND LESSON TIME). DNA Aquatics is a NO MAKE-UP swim school.  Our price per lesson reflects this. It is achievable not to need make-ups given our TERM breakdown. Not having make-up lessons creates cost savings we pass onto to DNA Families.

  • No make-ups/swapping for Block Lessons.

  • Weather make-ups are given when lessons have been cancelled by DNA Aquatics FOR KEPNOCK POOL.


  • All DNA students must join direct debit on SimplySwim app.  Payments are processed via app and information is provided at time of booking.

  • SHARKS PROGRAM AT KEPNOCK POOL Direct Deposit if arranged with management into the following account:                                                            DNA Aquatics Pty Ltd BSB: 484799 Account: 504279751

  • DNA Friday Fun Nights are on the last Friday of each term.  Games, noodle races and pizza/sausage sizzle for all our DNA students and family!! $5 per person.



  • Only during a thunder/lightning storm do we cancel lessons (make-up given to all only when cancelled by DNA Aquatics).  

  • We still very much swim in the wet.  It's always warmer in the water during the rain.  With the exception of the Infants program everyone must still attend lessons or forfeit lesson for that day. 


  • Please refrain from bringing your child to swimming lessons if your child is suffering from any contagious condition. 

  • We ask that you text 0466 034 503 (Student name and class time) if your child is unable to attend lesson.

Please note if a child has had diarrhoea in the last two days they are not permitted to enter the water due to health and safety regulations.



  • All Instructors & Management are fully quailfied AUSTSWIM accredited.  Teachers never stop learning and we are always looking for new ideas and information. If you have information about your child that could assist us in instructing them better we welcome it.  We aim to always provide a stimulating environment in which constructive learning can take place.The class size is kept minimal, ensuring your child will receive above average attention.

  • All staff are Positive Notice Blue Card holders issued by the Commission for Children and Young People and Child Guardian meaning they pass a working with children check, QLD.

  • In the interest of safety and timekeeping please do not engage in lengthy conversations with your child's Instructor during lesson time.  We ask that you email, Facebook private massage, chat to the kiosk staff or arrange a time for a chat with your child's instructor.

  • DNA Aquatics reserves the right to replace advertised coaches or programs where unavoidable due to Instructor being unwell or cannot attend a lesson.



  • If you have a medical problem, or for example, use an inhaler, please tell your Instructor.

  • Persons who have consumed food within 30 minutes should not use the pool.

  • To avoid injury the wearing of spectacles in the water by a swimmer during a session is not recommended. Care of spectacles is the responsibility of the parent/guardian.

  • Swimming goggles, including those with ophthalmic prescription lenses, may be worn at the wearer's own risk.

  • Jewellery can be a hazard and wearing jewellery in the pool will be done at your own risk.

  • All swimmers must wear suitable swimwear. For babies that are still in nappies please use swimming nappies.

  • Only enter the pool once your Instructor has told you to.

  • Listen to what your Instructor tells you. If you don't understand, please ask. No student is to enter the pool at the start of each lesson unless ask to by swim teacher.

  • The following action consists as disorderly behaviour: running, diving, jumping, ducking, fighting, bombing, shouting and throwing items. If behaviour persists you will be asked to leave.



  • Be helpful to your child but do not coach him/her.  Encourgment and cheering achievements is fine, but please refrain from giving any instruction whilst they are in their lesson. If you think there is a problem speak to the Instructor first.

  • Remember, children are involved in this sport for their enjoyment.  Your focus on their achievement should be based on how these lessons will assist in giving them lifestyle including swimming skills, safety & fitness.

  • Be realistic about your child's abilities and do not over-expect. Much harm can be done when children consistently fall short of their parent's expectations.

  • Polite, respectful behaviour will be expected at all times.

  • Abusive or disrespectful behaviour to Instructors or kiosk staff will not be tolerated.  If you have questions, comments, or concerns, please do so in a polite manner.

  • Personal belongings are left at the owner’s risk.



  • In the event of an emergency the person in charge will notify you.

  • All swimmers and spectators will immediately stop what they are doing and wait quietly for further instructions.

  • Should it be necessary to clear the pool, when the instruction is given, all swimmers will move to the sides of the pool, leave the water and stand back from the side. Swimmers will remain standing at all times.

  • Should it be necessary to evacuate the area no attempt should be made to recover possessions from the changing rooms or anywhere else within the building.

  • In all instances where it is necessary to evacuate the building a member of staff will take charge once the swimmers have left the water.

  • The evacuation meeting point is across in the car park area.

  • Once there, staff members will help account for everyone and give you further instructions.



  • No video footage, under any circumstance, is to be captured while lessons are being held within DNA Aquatics.

  • Photographs taken by parents/carers/family friends must contain their child only or their child and the Instructor only.

  • No other child is allowed to appear in your photographs unless that parent verbally confirms that is ok at the time of the lesson.

  • Any parent who says they don’t want their child’s image appearing in another photograph has the right to ask to the other parent to delete/destroy any photograph where their child appears.

  • Photographs are for personal use only. 

  • Photographs are not to be used for advertising or media in any way (other than for DNA Aquatics Pty Ltd).  

  • DNA Aquatics may at times ask to take photographs for advertising or media, if wish for your child not to appear in these please notify staff at time of enrolment.

  • Photographs can be posted on Facebook and Twitter, however you must notify us by either tagging (FB) or verbally confirming it at the kiosk.  This will allow us to help regulate this policy for the protection of your children and others.


Gate 3, Baird Street

Kepnock State High 
School Pool 

0466 034 503


14 Heidke Street 

Avoca  QLD 4670

All enquires are through DNA Aquatics not World Gym 

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ABN: 56165 831 701

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